Simon's Blog 

Welcome to the area of EBC’s website where you will find some reflections on church life, leadership and life-in-general from our Team Leader and Minister-in-Formation, Simon Lace. We hope you enjoy it!

Life Groups

One of the things we talk about at EBC is the importance of being in what we call Life Groups. Sometimes I get asked what a Life Group is – is it a prayer triplet, an accountability partnership, a Bible study cohort, a regular gathering of friends…?

My answer is emphatically… YES!

The caveat is, a Life Group can be any of these things, but is unlikely to be all of them – so we might well benefit from being in more than one Life Group!

My working definition of a Life Group is this –

A small circle of friends growing together in trust, fellowship and faith.

Philippa and I picked those words quite carefully and there are various themes to ponder within them:

  • Circles, not rows. This is not about didactic teaching – it’s about learning together, exchanging ideas, thoughts, feelings, struggles, wisdom and support.
  • Friends are not randomly selected people thrown together by someone else (like a church leader!). They self-select, they test the waters with people a bit before they share – and they keep doing that as things progress organically.
  • The relationships steadily develop – the ties become closer and stronger. Roots are put down, the soil of relationship is nurtured by regular contact and so we see flourishing and maturation (in trust, fellowship and faith).
  • Faith of course implies that God is in the group! “Wherever two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them” said Jesus (Matthew 18:20).

For my part, I am blessed to be part of several gatherings, none of which have ever been formally badged as a Life Group, but all of which answer to the definition above. I meet with the staff team for prayer (and tea breaks!) around a shared table several times a week. I meet with the Elders once a month (amongst the ‘spiritual direction of the church’ agenda we also share a devotion, talk about life’s ups and downs and pray for one another, and we sometimes share Communion. The same is true of the Leadership Team, to some extent.

I meet with the Bracknell Christian Network (BCN) every Wednesday on Zoom and meet them for breakfast at EBC every couple of months. We pray for each other, for the people of Bracknell, and share where we have seen God at work. From within BCN, numerous closer friendships have formed – and I meet with two or three of them individually for coffee or lunch or a walk every so often. Again, we’re doing life and praying for each other.

At college, we have a prayer group that meets at lunchtime every Tuesday – we’ll often go off to one or other of the incredible chapels within the different Oxford colleges.

More deeply still, I meet with my great friends Rob Lea and Ben Davies almost every Friday, via Zoom, and we discuss all sorts of things about our churches, about Christianity and society, about college life and about the deeper personal stuff – even more so when we’re face-to-face. We might talk about a passage in the Bible, and we always pray together and bless one another. Finally, I meet once every two months for lunch with my mentor, Jonathan Edwards – again we share life’s ups and downs and pray really powerfully for one another.

That’s a long way of saying I am in lots of Life Groups! And if you’re not already, I hope you soon will be. Do come and speak with me or Philippa if you’re seeking such a group, and if you’re in one already and have room to take one more people, please come and talk to us so we can help facilitate if needs be.

Life’s tough out there and we need each other’s love and prayers. A great way to start is to get to know people on Sundays, at coffee mornings, at Bacon Butty Club, Soup & Sandwich or any of our other social gatherings. (By the way, that’s a big reason for doing them!). As you get to know people, be brave and think about meeting up to talk and pray together (or study the Bible together etc.). You don’t need anyone’s permission – just do it!

If you want some resources, most weeks we have a Sunday talk blog with the Bible passages we used for the talk, and some really searching questions to consider. Why not read the passages together, and ask each other the questions? It’s  great way to go a bit deeper with God and each other.

In closing, a final exhortation – get yourself if a Life Group or two! Or three, or four… If we wan to grow together, we have to spend time together – with God, and with other people.

Go for it!


Previous blogs

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
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Planning your Visit

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I am New 

Welcome from all of us at Easthampstead Baptist Church!

Thank you for taking the time to learn a little more about us. As you explore our website, we hope that you catch a broader glimpse of what EBC is all about. It's about people - people just like you - who want to embark on a journey to discover more of God and his will for our lives.

What should I expect on a Sunday Morning?

Sometimes going to a church for the first time can be a little daunting. I promise we won't bite! To help ease any uncertainties below are the answers to some common questions people have before attending a Sunday morning.
What do I have to wear?
We are a 'come as you are' sort of people and have no formal dress-code for our Sunday services.
We can assure you that we don't have bouncers on the door vetting your attire!

If you are still not sure, feel free to check out our services on YouTube to have an idea.
What time do I need to be there?
We run two Sunday morning services which start at 9:30am and 11:00am.
On the 4th Sunday of the month we run our All-sorts service which starts at 10:00am.

Check out our other services below!
We would recommend you turn up 10 minutes before the service starts so you have a chance to say hi!
If you have children that need signing in to the children and youth work, they need to be signed in from 10:50am.
There is plenty of parking both out the front and at the back of the building. Just follow the signs!
How safe is my child in your care?
We run separate children and youth work during our 11:00am service, which is run by a group of volunteers who have all been DBS checked.

Children ages 11 and under must be signed in and out by their parent/carer. The youth can sign themselves in and out.

For information about our safeguarding policy click here