Virtues and Vices 

Join us for a bumper new series that will be tackling some of the most challenging issues we face in our Christian spirituality. As embodied beings, we face all sorts of delights and temptations in life – and often our physical desires, or what we feel like doing, do battle with our spiritual compass and what we know we should be doing! Can this cause us problems? You know it can – and does!
Taking us from the beginning of 2024 and all the way through Lent, this series promises to be thought-provoking, controversial and potentially life-changing. We will be exploring the idea that we are what we do, and taking a close look at the “vices” (sometimes called the “seven deadly sins”) that can lead us to disaster and even death, alongside the virtues that we can cultivate to shape and form our character in a healthier, more Christ-like way.
“Virtues & Vices” comes with a warning – much like our annual “Hot Topics” series, there are some difficult and sensitive areas here that will affect us all in different ways. We will, as always, do our best to handle each topic sensitively, but some may feel much more personal than others to each of us. Our alternative is not to talk about these things at all – and most churches don’t. However, at EBC we think the Bible speaks into everything in human life, and we should address the problems of life honestly and graciously rather than avoid them. Here's what’s coming up in January…